Category: Couples Therapy

The Mental Health Effects of Infertility

The Mental Health Effects of Infertility

It seems obvious that infertility will affect one’s mental state. We live in a culture that casually expects every couple to have kids eventually. Therefore, complete strangers or family might comment with something like, “What a great mother you’re going to be!”  To add this kind of incidental triggering, there’s…
Grieving the Loss of an Infant

Grieving the Loss of an Infant

The death of an infant just might be the most heartbreaking moment anyone can experience. Whether the loss happens suddenly or after a prolonged illness, such a loss is virtually unimaginable. Yet, despite the jolting nature of this scenario, it’s not exactly rare. Each year, almost 1 in 5 pregnancies…
EFT Therapy

What is EFT Therapy?

So much of our everyday life revolves around our relationships. Not just romantic partners; I’m talking about relatives, friends, and more. Meanwhile, much of our adult relationships are based on our childhood experiences. That’s when we develop the attachment style that can follow us for the rest of our life.…

6 Ways Infertility Affects Relationships

Our culture is filled with some general, unwritten assumptions that can be unhealthy and even problematic. In terms of romance, we’re expected to find our soul mate and live happily ever after. That means, among other things, getting married and… having kids. When any aspect of this fairy tale is…
Couples Therapy

What are the Key Principles of Gottman Couples Therapy?

Helping couples thrive is a practice that’s been around for as long as there have been couples. Some advice is more enduring than others, of course. For example, John Gottman has been researching and guiding couples for a half-century. His work is widely known and respected. For some, it’s become…