Signs That Couples Should Consider Couples Therapy in Sherwood Park, AB
Signs That Couples Should Consider Couples Therapy in Sherwood Park, AB
As a couple, you and your partner can choose to go to couples therapy for a lot of different reasons. You and your partner may be struggling with major life changes, like having a baby or moving. Or you may be dealing with smaller issues that have gradually built up over time. But, now they are starting to cause problems in your relationship. No matter what the issue is, if you are considering marriage counselling, some signs can help you decide if it is the right step for you and your partner.
Emotional Distance
One sign that you and your partner may benefit from couples counselling is feeling emotionally distant from each other. This may be a feeling that you and your partner are not as close as you used to be. Or, that you don’t share the same emotional connection. For example, you and your partner may not talk as much as you used to. However, when you do talk, it can feel like you both are on a different wavelength or the conversation is lacking depth. Perhaps, you’re not even doing activities together that you both used to enjoy. This can be a sign that you both need to work on rebuilding your emotional connection.
Feeling Unsupported
Being emotionally distant from your partner can feel isolating and lonely. It may even have you feeling like you’re lacking support from your partner. This can manifest in many ways. Maybe you feel like your partner is never there for you when you need them to be. Or, they never want to hear about your day. It can be even more difficult if you feel like you’re always the one supporting your partner, but they never return the favor. Feeling unsupported in a relationship can be incredibly tough, but with couples therapy, you both can learn to support each other.
Needs are Going Unmet
When you feel unsupported in your relationship, this can be because your needs are not being met. This may be due to the emotional distance between you and your partner. It can also be because you are both on different pages regarding what your needs are. For example, you may be needing more affection than your partner is currently giving or able to give you. Or, your partner might need more quality time with you but you aren’t able to give that to them.
Hard Parts Can Seem like They Outweigh the Good.
No matter the case, when your needs aren’t met it can be frustrating. It can also lead to a build-up of resentment which can be damaging to your relationship. It can also lead to a shift in your goals and values. You may not be able to see the importance of good times in your relationship. Only the problems. With the help of couples counselling, you and your partner can learn more about each other’s needs and how to better meet them.
No Longer Sharing the Same Values
When you and your partner first met, you may have shared a lot of the same values. But, as time went on you may have noticed that your values and goals have shifted. Maybe you’re wanting different things out of life than your partner. For example, you’re wanting to start a family but they are wanting to focus on their career. Or, you’re wanting to move to a new city but they are content with where you currently live.
This change in goals and values can further contribute to differences and division in your relationship. It can be hard to find common ground or a compromise when you feel like your values are so different. In marriage counselling, you will learn how to communicate your values and how to compromise with each other.
Having Conflict but No Resolution
Every relationship, and all couples, have conflict. It’s a normal part of a relationship to disagree with one another from time to time. It’s also healthy. However, what isn’t healthy is when you and your partner are arguing constantly but can never seem to find a resolution. It may feel like you’re stuck in a cycle. One where you have the same arguments over and over again with no end in sight. This can make it feel like you will never get your relationship back on track. Not to mention, it can be emotionally and mentally exhausting.
If you and your partner feel as if you are caught in a cycle, Edmonton couples counselling may benefit you. Couples therapy can help you and your partner learn about each other’s perspectives. Your couples therapist will work with you both to help you gain the tools to help you both manage your strong emotions and work towards a resolution. Because there can be an end to this cycle.
Move Past the Hurt in Couples Therapy
Marriage counselling can be incredibly beneficial for you and your partner. It can help you and your partner reestablish a connection and communication. Along with finding better ways to support one another and meet each other’s needs.
If you feel like your relationship is struggling, consider seeking out counselling services. It may be just what you and your partner need.
Are You Ready to Start Couples Therapy in Sherwood Park, AB?
Edmonton Couples counselling at Onyx is here to help you and your partner work through the challenges you’re facing in your relationship. Our couples therapists understand how difficult it can be to seek out help. But, we also know how beneficial it can be, no matter how simple or complex your challenges may be. If you are ready to improve your relationship with couples therapy then our couples therapists are here to help. Just follow these steps: