Learn About Dealing With Seasonal Depression Before Winter Arrives

Dealing With Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that happens when the season changes. It usually begins towards the end of fall and lasts all winter. The milder form of this condition is commonly known as the “winter blues”. If you are noticing symptoms of seasonal depression, a visit with your therapist can help. Counselling or “talk therapy” is an effective treatment option for alleviating symptoms of depression.

Symptoms of Seasonal Depression

  • Feeling sad or depressed especially during the winter months
  • Oversleeping
  • Being tired or having low energy
  • Losing interest in activities you enjoy
  • Changes in appetite
  • Gaining weight
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling hopeless or worthless
  • Having suicidal thoughts

Ways to manage seasonal depression
Here are some ways to help you manage seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder.

1) Prepare Yourself

Start preparing while the transition from Fall to winter begins. If you become inactive during the winter, be intentional about scheduling time for activities you enjoy, to help improve your mood during those months. You can include activities like catching up with friends over coffee, joining an indoor exercise program, or going to the movies. Adding these activities to your daily routine during the Fall will make it much easier to prepare for the winter.

2) Partake in Social Activities

Isolation can enhance feelings of loneliness and depression. On the other hand, social interactions can improve your mood. Even casual meetings with family or friends in the neighbourhood or at a coffee shop can uplift your mood. Interact with your friends, co-workers, and neighbours. Spend your evenings in cafes, or go for a nice dinner on the weekends. Engage in social activities that connect you with your loved ones or people you enjoy being around.

3) Try Aromatherapy

Using essential oils for therapeutic benefits is known as aromatherapy. It helps to improve your sleep and lower your anxiety. You can pair aromatherapy with a soothing, calm activity you like, such as taking a bath or reading a book. Aromatherapy can help to improve some symptoms of seasonal depression like oversleeping and lack of concentration.

4) Get Some Exercise

Exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercising outdoors is more beneficial, but if you can’t do so because of the snow or weather, try yoga at home, go to the gym, or engage in an indoor fitness class.

5) Soak in Some Sunlight

If you experience seasonal depressional, try to get outside as much as possible, especially in the mornings. In Alberta, we are fortunate to get our fair share of sunlight during the winter months. Not only can you gain the benefits of vitamin D, but you may also feel refreshed and energized. When at home, keep your blinds open to let in natural light.

6) Talk to a Therapist

If you notice signs or symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, it is best to seek help from a mental health professional. They are qualified to guide you through managing symptoms of depression.
AtOynx Counselling and Psychotherapy, we provide counselling for adults, teens, couples, families, and groups. Get in touch and book your appointment today. Our team of therapists are here to support you.