Connected But Alone: The Mental Health Impact of Digital Communication

Mental Health Impact of Digital Communication

The rise of the digital age has made communicating with others seamless and instant. As cell phones, computers, and even smartwatches have become the norm, you can connect with anyone across the globe, from anywhere, whenever you feel like it.

When the pandemic forced the world to shut down, everyone remained connected through digital forms. We were all in this together. Live streaming reached an all-time high. Group video calls replaced happy hours and family dinners.Even weekly bingo was playedin a live, digital form.

As the world returned to normal, many digital methods remained in high use. So, when connecting is so easy, why do many people still feel alone? Maybe more so now than ever before?

An Increase in Feelings of Loneliness

It’s a little ironic that this interconnected world can be such a lonely place. Research suggests that loneliness is only increasing as time passes and digital media becomes more in use and demand.

While the digital age has many positives and much potential, loneliness can result for multiple reasons. Digital communication can create superficial and shallow connections. Interactions are often minimal, with little real information exchanged.

The digital experience doesn’t need to be thoughtful, emotional, ortrulyengaging. Nonverbal cues can easily be missed, making empathy a nonexistent construct.There’s no physical contact, which isanessentialpart ofbeing human.

Less Face-to-Face Interaction

Being able to interact physically with the world around us is essential for forming real connections, learning social skills, and finding a good level of well-being. In the digital age, it’s harder than ever to have constant face-to-face interactions. Nonverbal cues and physical gestures are an important part of healthy communication habits, but they cannot be translated across digital platforms.

Children are exposed to remote learning. A lot of the workforce has gone remote. This removal of the interactive component has led to increased loneliness, anxiety, and other negative mental health impacts.

Lack of Connection

As digital platforms become a part of our everyday life, we might even fall into habits where we are choosing to play games, interact on social media, or browse various accounts which can limit interaction or impact relationships in negative ways, whether we intentionally choose to or not. When each family member is on their devices, it’s easy to justify that it’s the way things are – our kids prefer to be on their device rather than interact. However, if they feel like that’s their only source of connection, they will choose their device more. Especially if parents are too distracted by gaming, texting, or interacting on social media.

The lack of connection also shows in up in intimate relationships, friendships and other social interactions. Have you ever been out to dinner and your partner or the person you are with is constantly checking their device? How does that make you feel? The ongoing pull towards digital devices and platforms often lead to feelings of not being seen, heard, or connected.

Decreased Social Engagement

Just becauseyou’re able toconnect in digital form, there’s still ahugesocial piece that’s missing. When you’re only engaging online, you may not be getting the same level of social support you would have otherwise. Sometimes, words aren’t as comforting as a physical presence can be.

Yet, we may not even be aware of the long-term effects of texting rather than a phone call or in-person interaction. We have become so used to online communication, that it feels easier. But connecting the dots to our loneliness or lack of connection is another matter.

There’s a companionship element thatcan’tbe achievedwhen communicating and connecting digitally. This social isolation can increase feelings of loneliness, depression, and disconnect.

Negative Effects of Cyberbullying

Digital communication has made it easier than ever for the keyboard warriors to come out of the cracks. There are no barriers to making comments and they are able to reach anyone to initiate harassment.

Cyberbullying can make people feel isolated and alone. It can cause anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, and additional severe mental health issues.

Feeling attacked online or having our opinions not be validated can lead to further disconnection from others and negative general beliefs about people in the world.

The False Reality of the Digital World

Social media and online platforms can create thiscompletelyunrealisticpicture of the world.

What you see online isn’t always as good as it seems. This false reality can create an unhealthy level of comparison and, in some instances, competition. When you don’t live up to them, it can result in feelings of inadequacy.

There’s also an element of depersonalization that can occur. We’re all individuals with unique needs, interests, and values. Unfortunately, the digital world makes it so everyone is treated similarly, invalidating those unique factors. Contacts are friends; friends are contacts. When needs aren’tbeing met, it can lead to an array of mental health issues.

What Next?

Are you struggling to feel connectedwith others around you? Are the impacts of the digital world impacting your relationships? Therapy can help. Contact us at Onyx to learn how to addressthe loneliness you are feelingin this digital age.