Category: <span>Therapy</span>

Divorce men

Unpacking the Emotional Journey of Divorce for Men

Divorce is a tough experience for anyone, but men often face unique emotional challenges during this time. It is important to understand these feelings and to find healthy ways to cope. Let’s look at the common emotions men feel during divorce, how these affect men’s mental health, and offer some…
lack of intimacy

What Causes a Lack of Interest in Sex?

There are many obvious reasons why you and your partner are not having sex lately. For example, having young children in the house, busy schedules, or working many hours can put a damper on intimacy for a while. Typically, when the stress-inducing factor has eased, your libido kicks back in.…
Benefits of Hypnotherapy and How It Helps

Benefits of Hypnotherapy and How It Helps

Thanks to pop culture, hypnotherapy has a lot of misconceptions about it. While you might be more familiar with how movies and television portray hypnosis, in reality, the process is much less mysterious. It is clinically proven to help with mental health issues. But what exactly is clinical hypnotherapy, and…
Truth vs. Fiction- Exploring Misconceptions About Couples Therapy

Truth vs. Fiction: Exploring Misconceptions About Couples Therapy

There’s been an unfortunate stigma around couples counseling for years. Some people believe it’s a last-ditch effort to salvage a relationship. Other people believe it’s a sign of weakness or mistrust. If there’s a stereotype to be found, couples therapy has likely fallen under its umbrella. Unfortunately, these stigmas and…
Healing from Complex Trauma

Why Healing from Complex Trauma Is a Challenge

Overcoming the lasting effects of any kind of trauma can be difficult. But, complex trauma is often more of a challenge because of the tangled web it can weave within your mind. Complex trauma is usually caused by consistent, ongoing traumatic experiences. It’s most often found through things like childhood…