Category: <span>Stress</span>

DBT Techniques

What are DBT Techniques?

When therapeutic approaches include fancy words, they can put people off. But Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is too important to be dismissed. Don’t let the name fool you. This treatment has a lot to do with simply doing the work. It’s intensive and includes several components. For example, besides one-on-one…
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

How CBT Helps Depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder. It’s more than feeling down or sad. It’s more about a long-term mood that affects all aspects of one’s life. Symptoms range from fatigue and irritability to the inability to complete basic daily functions. Left unchecked, depression can lead to self-harm and suicidal…
Unexpected Depression

Why Retirement Can Lead to Unexpected Depression

Most people know that life’s major transitions can be extremely stressful. People expect to be challenged during a marriage or separation. Relocating or switching jobs is also commonly understood to involve pressure. But retirement can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Retirement is far too often summed up as someone…