Grief is a universal human experience — a natural response to loss. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or any significant change or transition, grief is a complex emotion that affects everyone differently. While it’s normal to experience intense sadness and mourning after…
There isn’t a how-to guide when it comes to grief support. While everyone will experience it at least once throughout their lifetime, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to how to handle or navigate it. The grieving process is unique to each individual, depending on their relationship with the person who…
A miscarriage can feel like a devastating shock to your reality. One moment, you are filled with joy and anticipation about the new life growing inside you. Plans are being made, and your future feels magical. Then, suddenly, everything changes. This heartbreaking turn of events is challenging to process and…
The death of an infant just might be the most heartbreaking moment anyone can experience. Whether the loss happens suddenly or after a prolonged illness, such a loss is virtually unimaginable. Yet, despite the jolting nature of this scenario, it’s not exactly rare. Each year, almost 1 in 5 pregnancies…
Accepting that grief has stages is a comforting thought. Losing a loved one is a jolting and disorienting experience. Hence, it can offer a hint of solace to envision the ensuing mourning period as having a structure. In a general sense, it does. But we’d all be better served if…
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross first wrote about the “five stages of grief”— denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance—in the 1960s. Since grief is a topic that is not discussed often enough, Kübler-Ross’s work was embraced as if carved in stone. However, this was not the intention. Grieving is not linear—and it is…
Even in the happiest of times, overthinking at night is not uncommon. You get into bed, the house is quiet, you feel tired, and your guard is down. This creates an opening for rumination. Your thought process could begin on a positive note but can soon transform into something more…
6 Reasons Grief Comes in Waves Everyone grieves in their life. Loss is inevitable; therefore, the emotional reaction to loss is equally as unavoidable. In the meantime, we each experience grief differently. Generally speaking, there is no right or wrong way to grieve. However, it makes a whole lot of…