Grief will eventually happen to all of us. Whether you’ve recently lost a loved one, ended a relationship, developed a chronic illness, or experienced another significant life change, the hole left by that loss can feel all-consuming. Many people feel isolated by their grief and that they can’t really talk…
Bullying is something that can affect people at any age. Children in school, teenagers trying to fit in, and adults at work or in relationships can all feel the impact of bullying. Let’s look at how bullying changes over the years, its long-term consequences, and what can be done to…
Self-care has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years. But it’s so much more than pampering yourself with expensive things or lavish getaways. Rather, self-care is about finding small ways to prioritize your well-being every day. Yet, it can still be difficult. Work, life, relationships, problems can often…
Chronic pain is a common condition that affects many people. It’s defined as pain that lasts for more than three months and can be constant or come and go. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and stigma surrounding chronic pain. This makes life harder for those who suffer from it. Understanding…
Picture this: you go from working 40+ hours a week with set routines and schedules, then one day, you retire and that routine is gone. People, places, and things you used to see are now memories, and it’s time to make new ones. When planning for retirement, it’s common to…
There are over 6 billion people in the world and no two people are exactly the same. Each and every person will have their own background, history, hobbies, interests, qualities, skills, and more. Since no two people are exactly the same, it can make it more difficult in certain situations,…
If you were asked to name all the attributes you desire in a partner, where would validating appear on your list? Would it even be included? You see, plenty of folks will justifiably talk about trust, honesty, open-mindedness, and more. But there’s just not enough conversation about the art of…
Every time you meet someone new — a friend, co-worker, neighbour, potential partner, etc. — your attachment style comes into play. Even when both of you feel an instant connection, it doesn’t mean all will go smoothly. This is because each of us learned what we know about attachments without…
Divorce is a tough experience for anyone, but men often face unique emotional challenges during this time. It is important to understand these feelings and to find healthy ways to cope. Let’s look at the common emotions men feel during divorce, how these affect men’s mental health, and offer some…
In the world of mental health and wellness, there seems to be some kind of unwritten rivalry or competition between life coaching and therapy, due to misinformation and misconceptions. Unfortunately, that leaves many people confused and stuck wondering which path is right for them. While there are some overlapping traits…