
Talk to Young Teens

How to Talk to Young Teens About Sexuality

The idea of talking to young teens about sexuality might seem a little overwhelming, or even uncomfortable. Unfortunately, those are some of the reasons why parents and mentors put off the important conversations. The reality is, it won’t take long for those teens to learn about sexuality from somewhere else.…
Depression After Divorce

How Common is Depression After Divorce?

Regardless of the circumstances, the end of a marriage is a major, stressful event in anyone’s life.Even when you feel a divorce will supply relief, it will also provide a wide range of other emotions. A chapter of your life has ended. In addition, so many potential future paths have…
Stages of Grief

What are the Stages of Grief?

Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross first wrote about the “five stages of grief”— denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance—in the 1960s. Since grief is a topic that is not discussed often enough, Kübler-Ross’s work was embraced as if carved in stone. However, this was not the intention. Grieving is not linear—and it is…
Grief Feel

Why Does Grief Feel Worse at Night?

Even in the happiest of times, overthinking at night is not uncommon. You get into bed, the house is quiet, you feel tired, and your guard is down. This creates an opening for rumination. Your thought process could begin on a positive note but can soon transform into something more…
Atypical Anorexia

What is Atypical Anorexia?

For many, many years, eating disorders were whispered about. Only a few people knew about them, and even fewer understood them. Fortunately, that has changed in many important ways. Disordered eating is discussed more openly and is often the topic of pop culture content. People know what to look for.…

How Does Anorexia Differ From Bulimia?

It’s almost always a good thing that general awareness of disordered eating has exponentially grown. What was once hidden in the shadows is now quite often an open topic of discussion across all platforms. Such knowledge can literally save lives. But the willingness to learn cannot have limits. For example,…