In the world of mental health and wellness, there seems to be some kind of unwritten rivalry or competition between life coaching and therapy, due to misinformation and misconceptions. Unfortunately, that leaves many people confused and stuck wondering which path is right for them. While there are some overlapping traits…
The rise of the digital age has made communicating with others seamless and instant. As cell phones, computers, and even smartwatches have become the norm, you can connect with anyone across the globe, from anywhere, whenever you feel like it. When the pandemic forced the world to shut down, everyone…
Overcoming the lasting effects of any kind of trauma can be difficult. But, complex trauma is often more of a challenge because of the tangled web it can weave within your mind. Complex trauma is usually caused by consistent, ongoing traumatic experiences. It’s most often found through things like childhood…
It seems that lately, everyone has been talking about boundaries. While it’s an easy term to toss around, setting and maintaining boundaries isn’t always easy. Many of us grew up in households where boundaries weren’t respected or were unreasonable. Here are several tips for setting healthy boundaries in your relationship.…
So you’ve set a boundary, and now you feel worse than you did before the boundary was set. You did this to help yourself feel better, right? So why is it that you now feel worse? Don’t worry; experiencing negative emotions around setting boundaries is completely normal. Here are a…
Maybe you’ve been struggling with your mental health. You haven’t booked a session with a therapist due to fears of stigma, financial reasons, or simply because you’ve encountered long wait lists. In the meantime, you’ve been following influencers who post mental health advice. It might seem like they have some…
Burnout is a term most often associated with jobs and careers. This is typically accurate, but it’s also important to remember that other factors contribute to physical, emotional, and social exhaustion. After all, take a good look around. The past half-decade or so has been brimming with unrest, strife, and…
It seems obvious that infertility will affect one’s mental state. We live in a culture that casually expects every couple to have kids eventually. Therefore, complete strangers or family might comment with something like, “What a great mother you’re going to be!” To add this kind of incidental triggering, there’s…
The word “perfectionist” is typically not viewed as an insult. We’re heavily conditioned to view it as something to admire — particularly in the workplace. Very few people stop to recognize that perfectionism can lead to mental health issues and, ironically, a dysfunctional work environment. Yes, it’s great to strive…
There are many ways to “lose” a job. Of course, you could be fired. But the possibilities include getting downsized, retiring, or having a freelance gig dry up. Whatever the underlying cause, you’re in for a big change. With change of any kind comes stress — lots of stress, and…