Author: Narissa Singh

The Mental Health Effects of Infertility

The Mental Health Effects of Infertility

It seems obvious that infertility will affect one’s mental state. We live in a culture that casually expects every couple to have kids eventually. Therefore, complete strangers or family might comment with something like, “What a great mother you’re going to be!” To add this kind of incidental triggering, there’s…
Packing things

Navigating Depression After Losing a Job

There are many ways to “lose” a job. Of course, you could be fired. But the possibilities include getting downsized, retiring, or having a freelance gig dry up. Whatever the underlying cause, you’re in for a big change. With change of any kind comes stress — lots of stress, and…
How to Navigate a Midlife Career Change as a Woman

How to Navigate a Midlife Career Change as a Woman

The idea of changing your career and shifting gears later in life can be both scary and exciting. Obviously, you’re considering the change for a reason. Maybe you aren’t happy with your current position. Maybe you’re feeling uninspired. Or, maybe you spent many years as a stay-at-home mother, and now…
Heal After a Miscarriage

How to Heal After a Miscarriage

A miscarriage can feel like a devastating shock to your reality. One moment, you are filled with joy and anticipation about the new life growing inside you. Plans are being made, and your future feels magical. Then, suddenly, everything changes. This heartbreaking turn of events is challenging to process and…
Learning from the Past to Protect Your Relationship Future

Learning from the Past to Protect Your Relationship Future

It’s easy to start this contemplation by listing off all the mistakes you’ve made. Truth be told, there’s nothing productive about that kind of framing. We currently live in a culture where the vast majority of relationships end. In other words, you’re probably not uniquely flawed if you’ve endured a…
Can Social Media Truly Be Addicting

Can Social Media Truly Be Addicting

Over the past ten to fifteen years, social media has become a more easily accessible, time-consuming part of daily life for many people. For some, it’s become an obsessive habit or an addiction. Social media addiction is a real thing, and it is defined as when one has excessive use…